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Re: Life One Protocol for stage IV cancer

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Re: Life One Protocol for stage IV cancer

 There are a few things they say in this statement I disagree with:

"As cancer cells proliferate, local inflammation and chaotic cellular development occurs, which causes a low-oxygen  (hypoxic) environment. This local hypoxic state causes the excess production of lactic acid and inefficient utilization of glucose, which in turn stimulates angiogenesis (new blood vessels) to try to feed the area with more glucose and oxygen."

First of all there is a common misconception that cancer is caused from a lack of oxygen.  This is from the repeated misinterpretation of Otto Warburg's research.  What Warburg said is that there is a defect in the genes of cancer cells causing the cancer cells to ferment REGARDLESS of the amount of oxygen present.  But this was misinterpreted as cancer forms from a lack of oxygen.  The fact is that cancer DOES NOT form due to a lack of oxygen.  Nor will simply raising oxygen levels cure cancer for the same reason.  This is why hyperbaric oxygen therapy, which supersaturates the tissues with oxygen does not cure cancer.

Secondly, lactic acid is a byproduct of fermentation of glucose and fermentation does yield lower energy output than aerobic utilization of glucose.  But the fermentation does not increase angiogenesis.  Angiogenesis is increased in malignant tumors through angiogenesis hormones, such as vascular endothelial growth factor, not lactic acid.

Furthermore, their statement is contradictory.  If lactic acid is formed from a lack of oxygen and according to their claim lactic acid promotes angiogenesis to increase oxygen levels to the area this would be self defeating for the cancer cells.

As for their formula is relies heavily on phytoestrogen sources and other estrogen blockers.  Green tea and turmeric are phytoestrogen sources.  Resveratrol is a phytoestrogen.  DIM is an estrogen blocker, and chrysin is an aromatase inhibitor that blocks the conversion of testosterone in to estrogen.  Blocking estrogen can help with some cancers, but there is so much more involved in fighting cancer.

Coriolus versicolor is turkey tail mushrooms.  These mushrooms are the highest mushroom source of organic germanium, which is antitumor and immune stimulatory.  Suma is the highest herbal source of organic germanium though. This is what accounts for the rise of CD4 cells seen in their studies.  Turkey tail mushrooms also contain immune stimulating polysaccharides.  I have seen various studies on polysaccharides K and P from turkey tail and their anti-cancer effects are impressive.

Quercetin is a bioflavonoid with strong antiviral and anti-inflammatory properties.  Since viruses have been linked to so many cancers antivirals such as quercetin are a good choice.

Green tea is also antiviral, but the antiviral compounds in green tea are polyphenols, which include the tannins in the green tea.  Problem is that tannins bind active compounds and nutrients in the other herbs so this was a bad choice for an additive.

Selenium is also a good choice for cancer as long as it is not overdone.  Selenium can be quite toxic in higher doses.

Overall the formula is OK, except the green tea, but it does fall short in many aspects of addressing cancer such as blocking gluconogenesis, metastases, angiogenesis, etc.



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