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Video Embedded Re: Max Keiser to Silver Liberation Army (SLA)
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Published: 14 y
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Re: Max Keiser to Silver Liberation Army (SLA)

Takes lots of hard work to mine gold/silver in comparison to printing fiat money

“Here's the dirty little secret: Fiat currency is designed to lose value. Its very purpose is to confiscate your wealth and transfer it to the government. Each time the government prints a new dollar and spends it, the government gets the full purchasing power of that dollar. But where did that purchasing power come from? It was secretly stolen from the dollars you hold. As each new dollar enters circulation it devalues all the other dollars in existence because there are now more dollars chasing the same amount of goods and services. This causes prices to rise. It is the insidious stealth tax known as inflation, robbing you of your wealth like a thief in the night.”


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