Two thumbs up. I am absolutely diligent about water only - but I do not have access or the funds for a distiller. (single parent for the past 13 years to my four children) I unfortunately have distilled water in bottles. :( I wish I could go that route, but for now I'm glad I am a "water only" faster. I am awaiting my book mentioned in this forum and hope to be very careful this time about refeeding. I have always gone into feeding with healthy foods, but I have always felt I should have a longer period of juice. At one time I had a juicer, but that was back when I could afford one and lost it along the way. I would LOVE to have a juicer again - but again I haven't the funds. We get by week to week here. Ultimately I would love to have one again. I also had an old Vita Mix blender, but that too has long since gone by the wayside. :( Someday...