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chirontherainbowbridge Views: 1,085
Published: 14 y


Just want to say, I feel a great regret that I don't have the patience -or the links at hand-  to post the kind of responses that I have enjoyed here in the past -- when I first started to be interested in water fasting, and had questions.

I think of how Chris (and others) would always come up with something relevant and link it... and then even elaborate on it.

Tirelessly! I just don't have the wherewithal. None of us do these days..And frankly, I don't think any of us has the time

to fool around with wasting it (time), these days. ( I mean, 'we' should not be a person who asks for help and then discards it like so much garbage, after a latte. This is wasting another's time, and discounting the value of their knowledge, as well as our own (value). It's the *our own* part that will get us, sadly--Boomerang back, and bite us in the a**.
:-( (This will be evident to anyone here, when they look honestly)
\ So, I hope everyone will do a little more to look for/work for the truth, (which always frees) and look, for example, in the Soil and Health Library,
(which constitutes a veritable university degree;choose your major); and consider maybe, giving the fellow who runs it a dollar or two.
He does a great service. can you imagine? (I am no relation, btw. Just a family of Earth member. :-))



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