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Castor oil packs and hypoglycemia - Attn: HealthyArtist and other people with hypoglycemia..
Insight Views: 3,497
Published: 14 y

Castor oil packs and hypoglycemia - Attn: HealthyArtist and other people with hypoglycemia..


I've been getting back into the groove of doing all the little things that contributed to me regaining some decent health back in 09 - barefooting, getting as much sun possible, skin brushing, lying on the earth, less electronics, etc.

One thing I was doing was castor oil packs. They seemed to help me somewhat.

Have you tried these? If so, did it have an adverse affect on your blood sugars?

I'm going to restart them today possibly, to support my apparently damaged and now chronically painful liver, but I'm not sure how my body will react with the oil.

I mean, if I put coconut oil on my skin, it drops my blood Sugar pretty badly for hours, so I'm really sensitive to things, but maybe castor oil will be an exception.


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