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Once we starting "knowing"...Re: Liver symphony
unyquity Views: 1,167
Published: 14 y
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Once we starting "knowing"...Re: Liver symphony's just downright amazing how many sounds we've always attributed to our 'stomach rumbling' that are actually our liver!

When I first started cleansing my "symphonies" sounded very similar to "creaky door sounds" and "hand under the armpit noises" with random 'explosion pops'.

Now the sounds are much more like "gurgling brooks". I still get the 'explosion pops' occasionally, but I can seriously tell the difference in the 'flow' through the 'tubing'.

Think of 'arterial plaque'...those of us that are older are almost always going to have more arterial, intestinal AND biliary 'plaque' - so our cleansing experiences are going to be a lot different. That build-up on the walls of the tubing mean "less flow per flush", so we generally need to flush longer than younger people...and of course, there's a huge difference from the amount/type of drugs we've all taken and our diet/hydration, etc.

Liver symphonies - Play ON! :)



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