At doctor today, I think the blood pressure was 170 or 175 over 86-90 (sorry I forgot).
It often is 85-90 on bottom number and once was 100 which was the highest on the bottom.
The top runs about 160-175 or so. Maybe occasionally goes higher.
I am not wanting to take the diuretic and ace inhibitor she wants me to take. I said I would check out drugs but knew I would not take them but did check them out--side effect wise-- and decided I am not feeling comfortable with taking those drugs. My kids worry cause I won't take drugs for that or diabetes.
I have had a hard time walking due to nerve damage from an injury several months ago, so exercising is hard. I might swim once I get the car working better (it breaks nearly daily).
I also have type 2 diabetes diagnosed 18 months ago but had for years I think due to blood glucose readings I had done on occasion (always read severe back then)
My borderline high blood pressure started going up for a year or so ago.
What herbs or other things can I take/do to get it more normal.
Please help..have to go back in 3 weeks and she is really nagging and saying how important this is.
I don't want to have a stroke certainly but I don't want drugs either.
I read diuretics remove important minerals from the body and I already drink and urinate just under a gallon a day. I am sure I want to pee more from the diuretic. I am up every hour - hour and a half at night.
I became a vegan 18 months ago which improved my diabetes some but not my high blood pressure. I eat 35-65% raw and about 80-85% produce.
Please help as I had been ignoring this for some time.
I am going to try garlic and cayenne and ginger to help remove plague which I hope then reduces blood pressure. How much do I need and how often a day.
Also read Hawthorne helps. What else would help. Herbs?? foods?? other?? what juices might help?