I heard from Owen, as I am sure many others have, but I wanted to share with you guys.....
Owen will no longer be on the Internet. His WebTv is broken and after much thought, he decided NOT to get another one. I have thought a lot about Owen since he wrote and I now realize why I love and admire Owen so much. He isn't afraid to take a stand and it doesn't matter to him what everyone else is doing. He does what is right for him. He never spent countless hours online. He posted health information and wonderful affirmations, but he not only talked the talk, he walked the walk. He has had the same diet for years and exercises daily.
Owen was one who quietly walked away from Curezone and the drama. But, he left a lasting impression on me and will always be at the top of my list as someone I most admire in life.
If you have never taken the time to go to his link, here it is.....