My lab results from Friday, Feb 25.
Here are my labs:
::General Chemistry::
Name - Value - Range
Sodium - 140 - (137-145)
Potassium - 3.6 - (3.5-5.3)
(Please note that Potassium levels in plasma may be 0.1 - 0.7 mmol/L lower than serum.)
Chloride - 97 (LOW) - (98-107)
Carbon Dioxide - 30 - (22-30)
BUN - 18 - (9-20)
Glucose - 93 - (70-110)
Creatinine - 0.68 (LOW) - (0.70-1.30)
****IDMS Traceable****
Calcium - 8.8 - (8.1-10.2)
Total Protein - 8.4 (HIGH) - (6.4-8.2)
Albumin - 5.0 - (3.4-5.0)
Globulin - 3.4 - (1.6-3.4)
A/G Ratio - 1.5 - (1.1-2.2)
Alkaline Phosphatase - 131 (HIGH) - (38-126)
Bilirubin Total - 0.4 - (0.0-1.0)
ALT (SGPT) - 207 (HIGH) - (21-71)
AST (SGOT) - 78 (HIGH) - (17-59)
GFR (MDRD 4 param) - >60
*GFR ranges to stage Chronic Kidney Disease*
Stage 1 GFR >90
Stage 2 GFR 60-89
Stage 3 GFR 30-59
Stage 4 GFR 15-29
Stage 5 GFR <15
WBC - 8.6 - (4.8-10.7)
RBC - 5.63 (HIGH) - (4.47-5.60)
HGB - 16.1 - (14.1-16.6)
HCT - 46.5 - (41.0-48.2)
MCV - 82.6 - (80.0-96.0)
MCH - 28.6 - (27.0-33.0)
MCHC - 34.6 - (32.0-36.0)
RDW - 12.0 - (11.5-14.7)
Platelet Count - 222 - (130-400)
MPV - 9.6 - (9.4-12.4)
Neutrophils - 73.6 (HIGH) - (44.0-72.0)
Lymphocytes - 15.2 (LOW) - (18.0-45.0)
Monocytes - 9.5 - (4.0-11.0)
Eosinophils - 1.2 - (0.0-6.0)
Basophils - 0.4 - (0.0-1.0)
Immature Granulocytes - 0.1 - (0.0-0.6)
Absolute Neutrophils - 6.30 - (2.34-6.68)
Absolute Lymphocytes - 1.30 - (1.18-3.63)
Absolute Monocytes - 0.81 - (0.25-0.91)
Absolute Eosinophils - 0.10 - (0.00-0.45)
Absolute Basophils - 0.03 - (0.00-0.07)
Absolute Immature Gran - 0.01 - (0.00-0.05)
That is a really high ALT and AST value. It makes me think that the "kidney pain" I've been feeling is actually pain in my liver. Back on December 12, my ALT was 65 and my AST was 48. I think all that straight protein without high enough fat I was eating between then and now damaged my liver.
I believe Milk Thistle gives me bad hypoglycemic reactions, but I'm going to try it again.
All these catch 22s.