Re: Uny, speaking of Epsom Salts being unnatural, isn't apple pectin unnatural, too?
jboy, this is a long answer, so if you don't feel like reading it all right now, don't worry about it :)
If you take any natural plant (or animal that we can safely ingest and take it to a laboratory and break it down into individual chemicals or substances, those pieces are not natural...and those unnatural substances are MUCH more capable of doing harm to our body.
Here's a good example (although it's a bit extreme). In South American, the farmers in the hot sun frequently chew leaves from the coco plant for extra energy. But if you take those coco leaves to a lab and isolate out one of the chemical get cocaine. The isolated substance is MUCH more capable of causing harm, eh?
So on a lesser scale (most of the time it's a lesser scale) we take out only one mineral (or vitamin, mineral or other substance) out of something we'd ingest, then it has far more potential for harm and imbalancing the body, than it would if you ate it in it's wholesome form. You'd have to try VERY hard to consume enough fish to create a toxic level of Vitamin D...but once that Vitamin D is isolated, it would be fairly easy to take enough to 'cause harm'.
jboy (before going any further, I want to tell you this): once you get your bee pollen and Superfood and have been taking it a few days, then'll we'll see how you feel about the ES. In the meantime, your body is very used to getting magnesium like this (and you feel you need it) I would say "a few pinches" is likely doing you more good than it is harm. Here's the rest:
But sometimes the isolated minerals & supplements aren't even natural to begin with! Epsom Salts is sometimes taken from ground up dolomite (a rock). Ever chew on a rock? No, because it's not natural (unless extremely mineral deficient). But most ES isn't even made from a rock - check it out (I just snagged this from an online essay):
>>> "Epsom salts (MgSO4): Scientific definition and uses: Epsom salts or magnesium sulfate (MgSO4) is a colorless crystalline substance formed by the reaction of magnesium hydroxide with sulfur dioxide and air. Synthetically prepared magnesium sulfate is sold as Epsom salts, MgSO4.7H2O. Magnesium sulfate has varied applications. Magnesium sulfate has varied applications. In industry it is used in the manufacture of cements and in gardening to: * To increase grass health * To provide minerals for pants * To provide better flower blooms * It can be used in tanning and dying; in medicine it serves as: * A purgative * A laxative * To reduce swelling from bruises..." <<<
Magnesium sulfate is typically synthetic - no parts of it are even found in nature - they're made in a laboratory.
Yes, things like ES and hundreds/thousands of "supplements" are not natural to the body. Sometimes the body can utilize them and other times they're very stressful to the body. But almost always, no matter what the benefit, in some way or another they stress the body, or cause harm.
This is from a post I made earlier tonight:
When dealing with Epsom Salts (magnesium sulfate/sulphate) we're dealing with an isolated, unnatural forum of a mineral...and as such, no matter how many benefits it may have, it does have the potential to cause harm.
Our kidneys are responsible for removing excess magnesium and for maintaining the correct balance of electrolytes in the bloodstream. For someone with unknown kidney compromise, jumping into a hot bath with 2 cups of Epsom Salts could be very harmful.
Excess magnesium is known as hypermagnesemia, and people with kidney compromise, hypothyroid, adrenal issues and those taking certain pharmaceuticals are more at risk.
--neuromuscular toxicity (somnolence, loss of deep tendon reflexes, and muscle paralysis, potentially leading to flaccid quadriplegia and, since smooth muscle function is also impaired, decreased respiration and eventual apnea)
--cutaneous (skin) "flushing"
--increased kidney compromise
--dizziness, nausea & vomiting
--hypocalcemia (low calcium)
--drop in blood pressure (can be severe)
--Hypermagnesemia depresses the conduction system of the heart and can cause a variety of heart related symptoms (can be severe)
--Hypermagnesemia may interfere with blood clotting
--combine dizziness, decreased respiration & a slight loss of muscle control with stepping out of a wet, slippery bathtub and you can end up with a very serious accident.
Combine some of these with an extremely long hot bath...and you get a trip to the ER.
The chances of creating hypermagnasemia when eating natural food sources of magnesium is very very low (you'd likely throw up before you could eat that much all at once). But if using Epsom Salts (or another magnesium isolate), it could be easy (and many times people using ES when liver flushing have symptoms of too much magnesium).
If I were sick and symptomatic with a harsh magnesium deficiency and couldn't get any (or enough) magnesium from food, I would take ES...but I would remember that it was imbalancing my body and I needed to be careful with it.
I know and understand why many recommend it's use, but I think someone needs to be extremely knowledgeable AND extremely in touch with their body before they try to use it internally to for balancing minerals. Does it work? A few pull it off, but most of the time I just refer to it as "supplement roulette". It's always MUCH better to get our mineral from natural food (or something like Superfood that's just ground up foods, seaweeds & herbs).
'Hope this didn't overwhelm you - it wasn't something I could answer with just a few words. You stay focused on getting stabilized on the Valium and doing what you already know to do as far as eating, and doing the EFT. Once you get stabilized, then we will starting focusing on these things....that's the way it makes sense. We can't put up the wall or put on the roof until we build the foundation!