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Re: Sees you...and you...and you and you and you
healthyartist Views: 1,273
Published: 14 y
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Re: Sees you...and you...and you and you and you

What's goin on BBQ? My mom asked me tonight at dinner how you were doing and I didn't know....

As for me, I've been feeling pretty decent lately. My gums are still swollen and my crotch is still burning, but I've been sleeping with an ice pack on it and have been sleeping really well. Ha ha! Yes, my solution is to just freeze the thing off! I haven't had a crash in a while now, and I've actually been having fun around here lately. I'm not really going out or exercising but that's okay for now.

Anyhow, I'm sending you strength and determination. I know, in the way that I know things, that you will heal.



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