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Re: Have a fever of 100*
healthyartist Views: 1,104
Published: 14 y
This is a reply to # 1,776,754

Re: Have a fever of 100*

I don't know what uny's or other moderators would say here, as I'm not well versed in this protocol yet (or your history), but personally, based on my experience I would say rest like it's your job and only eat very mild and soothing things for a while.

I'm coming from an advanced adrenal fatigue perspective and we over there tend to do things really carefully and slowly... And coming out of a crash involves the same sort of slow motion care. Drink warm soothing broths. I would start keeping a food journal to see what foods/herbs disagree with you and stop them for now.

Pushing yourself right now seems to me like the very last thing you want to do, so I would cancel commitments and sleep and spend time being quiet and resting your body.

That's my two cents. I hope it's appropriate.



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