Results from Holistic dr. Need advice
Hi there!
I just recently recieved a wellness package to a holistic dr. from my darling hubby. it included a foot detox, an hour massage, and a consultation.
During my colsultation he used magnets (heavy, about the size of school board erasers) to find my weakest points.
I've known for a while now that something wasn't right with me.
He said that my adrenals, small intestines, large intestines, and my liver and gallbladder were weak. This takes me by no surprise as i do have several of those area problems. My problem is that I can not afford to see him again as it is very expensive even with my insurance, but I do need to take very strong action though as I do feel like i'm withering away.
I have decided to do a juice/water fast, I'm not sure how long, but I am deteremined to get on track.
I just purchased a 10 day system cleanse called Perfect Cleanse by the Garden of Life. I wanted to know if it would benefit me using the Perfect Cleanse without step 2.
Step 1 : Purify / Includes
100 mcg of Selenium
Milk Thistle Seed extract (80% Silymarin)
, Yarrow Flower Extract, Aged Garlic Extract,Potenzyme Selenium,Cracked Wall Chlorella,Dandilion Root Extract, and Broccoli Extract
Step 2: Capture/ Includes
25 Calories. Organic Flaxseed, Organic Pea Hull Fiber, Organic Alfalf Whole Leaf,Organic Barley Whole Leaf, Chia Seed. This is suppose to be binding for the toxins, Sounds very bloating because I have several Intenstinal issues. But no diseases.
Step 3: Remove/ Includes
1 Gm of Fiber, 600mgs. of Magnesium
Epsom Salts , Fenugreek Seed Extract, Peppermint Leaf, Aloe Vera Whole Leaf, Ginger Root, and Fennel Seed.
I was wondering if this would be good for me to take while I was fasting. I don't think I want to take the syep 2 as I think I would get very constipated and bloated, not to mention extremely gassy.
Please let me know what you think as I really want to start detoxing and cleansing my organs. I don't have a lot of money to go out and get things so I really need a cheap (but good) route to fix things here.
I thought that tis 10 day cleanse would be good to clean out my small and large intenstines, I am constipated most days but do have some good bowel movements during the week. That being said....I mean I won't go for about 3 days then I'll go oce or twice in one day and then go once the following day and then be constipated all over again.
I am loking forward to hearing from anyone who may have some advice for me.
Thank you in advance...