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Re: James, I hope you're getting ready to return.
Mira528 Views: 2,580
Published: 14 y
This is a reply to # 1,776,063

Re: James, I hope you're getting ready to return.


I'm going to throw caution to the wind and say that I believe you when you say that this is a group attack on you. I feel for you but, IMO, it was a mistake to attack them back. I was a victim of abuse for 40 years and I recognize every trick in the book. To stop it, I had to stop retaliating in kind and focus on how I could make my life better.

I read Curezone a lot and work out my problems in the back of my mind while watching the interactions that are happening here. You'd be surprised at how well I know a lot of the personalities.

I've seen this group attack happen to you and others on Curezone and it saddens and, frankly, angers me.

Within your own forum here, you can block the trolls and attacks.

If posters continue to attack you outside your own forum, there are other Curezone members like myself who will continue to "bad alert" the messages and bring them to the moderators' and Webmaster's attention. Over time, I believe that people will reap what they sow. And it will return to them a thousandfold.

The public Support Forums aren't supposed to be a place for arguments and debates. If I were you and saw a post that I disagreed with in a
Support forum and I was banned there, I'd reply to it in a related Debate forum with a link to that post. I'd also ask to be un-banned from the forums I was banned from. If I saw a post I disagreed with in the Support forum, I'd reply "I appreciate the time you took to post but I respectfully disagree. The reason I disagree is" - give a link to your post in the Debate forum where you state your reasons, and where you have copied and pasted the original post.

Another thing you can do is Private Message the person in the Cancer Support Forum etc. who is asking for help.

All the best to you,




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