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Re: What kinds of doctors/tests should I be looking for?
say414 Views: 2,417
Published: 14 y
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Re: What kinds of doctors/tests should I be looking for?

I had the same problem--a series of regular doctors who don't know anything about any condition that's not mainstream. But I've found a helpful doctor. He's an MD, but he's integrative, which combines traditional and alternative medicine. It seems like there are quite a few integrative doctors in and around cities. I don't know what area you're in. They do regular blood tests, but also do saliva tests and other less conventional tests. They can advise you on both prescription meds and supplements. That's helpful, because then you have one person handling your treatment problem. I know you can get saliva testing without a doctor. Perhaps you can get hair testing as well. I'm not sure. But it's something to look into.


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