Re: Maybe give Barefoot a try??!!
The clark 21 day method uses a vitamin as well as ozonated olive oil for 21 days as one of her worm methods......I suggest worms are a lifelong problem and not a 21 day problem and using non toxic methods is superior to toxic.
I know for a fact what I call herbal sprays enters the lungs, up the neck and crosses the brain in just seconds of the very first spray and can have some amazing results, but that also means they surely can de-worm the brain as well and using herbal spray for the hair such as topknot also is a powerful de-wormer formula, I will never do another 21 day clark mop up program, but I id have good results years ago when I did do it once, back before i know what I know now.
WORMS in the brain? YES, a BIG YES in fact and even worse is the PANCREAS, in fact, my opinion is this....worms in the pancreas is the number one reason for death of humans, yes, i said NUMBER ONE cause of DEATH world wide....because worms and stones pack the pancreas and make it basically a worthless organ at probably a fairly young age and take a few herbs are not going to kill those worms, not going to remove the rocks........NEVER have I read such info in any book past or present......I just know it to be so as a result of 3 years of examining liver flushes as my method to perfect herbal this day, i 100% believe every adult has a pancreas loaded with worms and I mean PACKED TIGHT with worms and stones and this is why today so many die of a failed pancreas....and why all adults suffer from lack of proper pancreatic function.....I do not believe 1 human has a good pancreas....NOT ONE!