14 y
Re: Sick after finishing up Humaworm
The toxins are still in your system, and the effects of Humaworm can last for over a month after you finish. Plus, if you've abused your body badly, you will be going through detox symptoms for awhile, as your body struggles to clear itself of toxins, and to rebuild the damage done to your liver. Your liver is not filtering toxins, because it is damaged. It takes years for your body to rebuild your liver. Give it time. My liver was damaged by too many pain medications over the year,and it's been over a year, and it still has a hard time working properly.
You didn't do this to your body overnight, and a cure won't come overnight. You seem to be looking for a "magic pill" and there isn't one. Just be patient, keep living right, and keep cleansing your body and you will see results soon enough.
I'm going to suggest you add coconut oil to your diet. It's done me a world of good. Start out slow, use 1 tsp. three times a day and work up to 3 tbsp. a day. It will help with the cleansing.