Re: Can herbs really cure cancer? Why so many differing opinions
People can definitely cure cancer with herbs, I was diagnosed with stage 4 stomach cancer and given 6 months to live...ten years ago this Spring. I turned to alternatives and settled on pau d'arco tea as I responded to it almost immediately, you can read my many postings over the years on this forum. The problem is that there are so many variables in a cancer patient including age, overall health, protocols already tried, including how much of the standard cut, burn and poison routine that has been suffered through etc etc etc... Also if one iota of the billions spent on chasing pharmaceutical "cures" went to studying alternatives and herbals that show promise then we would all see some huge benefits...and I mean studying them properly, really trying to uncover all the synergistic properties in order to use them beneficially not just stripping out one or two properties, concentrating it to ridiculous levels so as to "prove" it unreliable and not to be considered further, as most studies are conducted.
People have to take more responsibility for their own health and be active in recover from illness, it takes a lot of hard work and belief in ones abilities to find a cure.
I still drink the tea to this day and find it beneficial for many minor ailments, can't remember the last time I had a cold despite all the sick people around me. Never had a flu shot and never will.
I purchase my tea from
where the quality is high and consistent, you may be able to find high quality elsewhere but be sure to make sure it is the right species of pau d'arco and in the right "cut" to make the most potent tea.
Healthy Wishes to All , believe in herbal cures because they are there, I am living proof!!