MMS and toxic mold poisioning, leaky gut, brain nuerotoxins, no appatite, candida, addreanals not fuctioning good either. Well whole body is in bad shape.
Can anyone tell me that this product works or has worked for toxic mold poisioning, I have tried for two years to help my self to little avail, tons of money on mainstream docs, holistic docs, natural products.thousands of dollars, I am losing my eyesight due to the mold or fungus that fills them, I have biotoxins that cause my body and brain to burn,I have racing heart, labored breathing. I don't sleep at all, I fall out about day three from exauation and sleep for 4-5 hours of interupted sleep.I had to quit driving this past December 2010. I am only 42 and all this happened two years ago and I have been fighting since but, I am worse, I tried
juicing and wound op in the hospital for 5 days, I now am at 120 pds and I am afaird to lose more weight being unhealthy.
Anyone, anyone that can't help me, direct me, I am not just the regular case, I may even have staph.
I pray everyday for the answer the way back to health.
My family, husband and three children I love so much, and I am scared and I am grasping for help.