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Re: Use or not epsom?
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Re: Use or not epsom?

Thank you very much for your kind reply. I feel very much debt to you for the exceptionally scientific answers you gave me. (the most clear to me up to now).

i definitely agree with you about the wrong paths of the majority of doctors.(They only blidingly know the narrow-minded lessons of their studies).

I understand from your right sayings that it is better to use epsom(6:00pm and 8:00pm and absolutely the next day), even if i loose a small quantity of gallbladder bile -due to the small contraction of gallbladder- because i will gain the best flow rate of bile with which maybe expell the heavy gallbladder stones
(i don't care much about liver stones since i have expelled about 500, but none of
gallbladder. I have allready tried the flush you told to hanna, every 15 minutes oil, with no better results of epsom).

Could you give me a little more explain about: "However you can increase the flow-rate not the quantity when you take the potion (oil or epsom?".

Please convince me a little more to drink epsom because i know how much it relaxes the cystic valve and bile ducts to expell my 3 big gallbladder stones(10,15,17mm).

Would it be better to drink 1 dose epsom(double quantity) only 1/2 hour before the potion of oil? as it is described in the following:

It is claimed that this general attacking method of therapy gives a higher rate of success than the simple stone-expelling decoctions tried previously. The strong therapy, using heavy doses of mirabilitum (magnesium sulfate) and injection of herb extracts or drugs intramuscularly, is not something that could be used in the West. Indeed, in order to tolerate the retention of bile phase and the potentially painful expulsion of larger stones, continuous anesthesia was applied via an epidural catheter in some cases. As detailed accounting of one of the regimens was outlined in Pharmacology and Applications of Chinese Materia Medica (9):

8:30 Lithogogue decoction, 200 ml orally, is given. This stimulates bile secretion.

9:30 Morphine, 5 mg, is injected. This restricts Oddi's sphincter, builds up bile pressure, and relieves pain.

10:10 Amyl nitrite, 1 ampoule, is inhaled. This relaxes Oddi's sphincter to allow bile to flow out.

10:15 33% magnesium sulfate, 40 ml, is given orally. This induces rapid bile flow and duodenal emptying.

10:20 0.5% dilute HCl, 30 ml, is given orally. This further stimulates flow of bile.

10:25 Rich meal (2-3 fried eggs). This stimulates further dispensing of bile.

10:30 electroacupuncture for 30 minutes. This causes the gallbladder to contract and alleviates symptoms of stone passage.


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