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Coq10 for gum issues.
ETmtl Views: 2,070
Published: 14 y

Coq10 for gum issues.

I do not have gum issue myself but it is something I come across alot on the forum.

co q10 might be really good for your gum .
I just came across this in the review section of a coq10 product on iherb here is what the guy said.

Ordered this product because of the great reviews and great price just to see what it would do for me.Have taken it for 2 months and even though I have noticed no improvement in my energy levels what I did notice was the vast inprovement in my gums.I have gum disease and they bleed alot if I floss.The dentist told me I have to floss and I just get lazy and never do it and when I do my gums bleed alot.However since taking this product I went to floss my teeth the other day and my gums didn't bleed so therefore I will continue to take this product as I imagine it is doing other good stuff that I can't see.Well worth the money and what a fantastic price!!!

Anyways since coq10 is essential for people with cfs while adressing mitochondrial failure it might be worth a shot . It is also part of the myhill protocol that can be followed for af/cfs ,,also part of the lam protocol.


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