Sorry about the lengthiness of that info. Not pleasure reading for sure.
It makes sense to me he would use references from the likes of Hagee or Robertson because very few people write on this subject. There is no one source (other than the bible) that I reference that I agree with all the time but I still use bits and pieces of their work. Hopefully neither do you with all the vaccination posts you make.
I have not read Hagee's book but I know many people who listen to his teachings on a regular basis but don't go to his church. I think I would have already heard an outrage from them if there was something he wrote that didn't meet scripture.
Perhaps the rest of the reading will bring better understanding or maybe not. You seem to be convinced of what you believe....and that is your choice to do so. I'm not really wanting to argue because everything is in God's hands. There is a reason prophecy is not clear cut...but is hidden. It causes us to wait and see.....and be aware of what is happening around us.
What will happen will happen just the way He says it will go....because He knows the future.
If people's beliefs are truly causing certain things to happen a certain way to make prophecy fit then that is just part of the "actors on a stage" part of the bigger plan.