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burgundy colour by product?
00733 Views: 1,284
Published: 14 y

burgundy colour by product?

Tellman i gather is someone who made a record of each consecutive liver flush.. and it was in excess of one he mentions a stool the colour of burgundy red/orange?.. and attributed this to some process related to the Liver Flush and bile..and continued to do quite a few more with no further mention or repeat of this by product..if you exclude having ingested beetroot...can anyone else suggest any medical reason for this in connection with the liver?

Is this something others have experienced or have heard of before on the Liver Flush Forum s? i can't seem to find any other reference to this in connection with a liver flush..

i'm ok for the stones to be through long as there is no harm but progress outside of the risks which we have to realistically consider..

thank you


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