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Re: Eye Floaters.. Any Suggestions??
cuzjay420 Views: 14,285
Published: 14 y
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Re: Eye Floaters.. Any Suggestions??

I actually been eatin tons of garlic, RAW. When I first started I had really bad die-off symptoms, I was shaking and couldnt sleep, I did pass a worm without searching through stool too. My girlfriends hate me now because I always smell like garlic. For the whole teeth issue, I was having pain in my upper right jaw to the point i couldnt sleep for about a week or two then finally I started sneezing about 10-15 times and I pulled a worm out of my sinus onmy right side, and my jaw pain went away, but now where thee worm was feeding a have a black tooth!! Its liek a bad nightmare I am only 26 yrs old. And before I had pain in my right jaw it was in my left, and moved over to my right so it destroyed couple teeth on left side and right side, and this thign was only about little over an inch long.

As for right now I am on Parasitin and actually have passed another worm, that posted in the gallery, here is the link


look to the right side of picture, thats what i passed while on parasitin, sorry i dont know how to make picture smaller, if anybody knows, please let me know, thanks


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