Liver Cirrhosis
Hepatitis is an infectious liver disease caused by a virus, such as hepatitis A, B or C, leading to inflammation and pathological swelling of the liver. Hepatitis patients usually experience symptoms such as loss of appetite,
nausea and vomiting, diarrhea, dark-colored urine, pale bowel movements,stomach pain, and yellowing of the skin and eyes due to a hepatic dysfunction.With the treatment of Brown Juice from website Herbhealthonline , the liver damage caused by the hepatitis viruses can be repaired and patients' liver structure and function can restored. Patients should experience symptom reduction with 2 weeks of treatment, and will have improved Heptic Function Panel test results along with total symptom elimination with 6 weeks of treatment. We also recommend that patients test their virus count, as a healthy liver is able to fight off the virus more effectively and patients usually show a lower level of virus load after 6 weeks into the reatment. A total of 3 months or more of treatment may be required to achieve a significant virus count reduction and normal liver function. Some hepatitis B patients have shown negative on the hepatitis B virus test after 6 months of treatment with the Brown Juice.For cirrhosis patients who have only a partially functioning liver, we recommend starting at 1/3 of the regular dosage and gradually increasing to the full dosage to avoid a high amount of toxic substance from the compromised liver entering into the blood, causing eadache, agitation, and other symptoms of discomfort. It requires a 3 to 6 month treatment in order to see the full benefits.
The LC Balancer , a microcirculation enhancer,from website herbhealthonline is also recommended to achieve the desired treatment results and to reduce the possibility of constipation.