Proof is in the pee jar.....
My bedroom is a bit of a distance to the bathroom and up a flight of stairs, and I usually have to get up once in the nite to pee
Since I often have trouble falling back to sleep I like to minimize the whole process of peeing, so I keep a pee jar near the bed
in the morning I rinse it out really good and let it air dry
lately, something that has happened several times in the past, the pee jar is getting a film on the inside, white in color, sometimes it feels like fine sandpaper when dry...
how is that for kidney clearing????
I am feeling some burning with urination at times so I know I am passing "sand"
Just recently for several months.....nothing, no build up even with the 1 to 1.5g of
SSKI applied to skin and 50mg of Iodoral. But about one month ago I started taking the 50mg of Iodoral and 2-6 drops/day or trappers 2% and/or
SSKI internally.
then the build up on the pee jar
also lots of bromide zits just below eyes and some in other places, had one right over thyroid for awhile....
not having quite as much kidney pressure the past couple of weeks....and I think the outer 1/3 of eyebrows hair is filling in a little more
I did get some of the this pee jar build up a couple of years ago when I got way into CS,
anyway, just thought I would share that.