skin brushing and water fasting
This might esp. help those people who feel very weighted and sluggish. And the bonus is, no enemas!
Here is an introduction into the how and why, for those who don't yet know about the value of dry skin brushing
I'v been doing this for several years, minus a few periods where I got lazy and stopped. You can't find much to do for your health and well-being that is better for you and as little work, and that actually feels good! The skin begins to crave the attention.
Very important always to brush toward the heart, away from the extemities. That is, down from the head/neck, and then up from the feet, hands. But best to read the whole article. And note that the best brush is a long-handled one with natural bristles, where you can remove the brush. Follow this with a shower, (and for the really brave and devoted) a "sitz bath", aka "detox bath", which can and does solve a multitude of health problems. I only say "brave" because most people are so westernized, they do not like the idea of bursts of cold water.
:-) WY might enjoy this! Since he likes to set himself a challenge -- But maybe not while on the water fast. After.
No need to try to do do much zt once.