People by MH
Using american idol as a general example.......or basicaly any source that shows "average" can't help but ponder how low society has toxic so many humans have distorted their body's, facial features and most of all, how ignorant and out of control people are becoming.
The saddest thing is seeing people who "actually" believe they sound good, look good and are clueless about their health / life or how they come accross to others.
In fact, such shows show a great example of the state of health americans are in, especially the current generation that seek to be the leaders of this country very soon.
How low can vaccinations from the needle and all the germ and chemical warfare breathed in our air along with thr toxic city water and city produced commercial foods ......change humans into a mule breed only suitabe for slavery....
MENTAL ILNESS is the number one growing affliction in america population........creating a version of what movie producers have been telling us via their zombi movies...
I seen people in cities closeing their blinds permantly, putting fences between the and their neighbor and never knowing the people that live within 100 feet of their living rooms as "normal" small town city life well over 30+ years ago and young people refusing to answer their doors or phones in fear of bill collectors oh so many years ago.....
THE good ole days of trust and truth have been replaced with fear and hiding, turning everyone into little ole ladies.....ready to be mugged by any stranger...
How low can it go? As low as China turning their little girls into government robots, to be grown up in factory bedrooms? Turning all against family life and pro government?
I have noticed a strange thing, I have seen evil women growing up second / third generation welfare learn how to use every cop usa.......becoming such proffessional liars that they learned how to call the cops everytime they rob or harm others and tell the cops they "have" been abused as a way to get away with stealing their way through life and even worse, the cops of today are most anything but the good guys..if anything, they grew up in the system and seek to milk it dry..............and judges are famous as the worse perverts and controllers of the drug and prostitute flow in every small town usa...similar to the congress and higher government controlled drug flow into the country.
IT SEEMS a larg majority are seeking to MILK the country DRY...robbing everything they can get their fingers on and relying on their evil brother and evil sisters working in the system to protect all the evil ways......opposite what they are supposedly suppose to be doing for the public.
Is it no wonder the monks of 2,000+ years ago tried to warn this generation to avoid all educated people, especially all educated government people, by writing that you are better off to just give your enemies anything they want, than to seek justice from the government...government of any kind, dating back to the first catholic government / church.
Is it any wonder many governments have taken the guns and weapons from the public as a method to have total control over their lives.
How can people become so stupid, so ignorant, so blind as to hand their lives over to others......the very ones that went to schools to learn how to control the un-educated peasants / stock.
How many years can pass by until the poor un-educated riot? giving the educated an excuse to wipe them out?
To avoid such a war, massive germ and chemical warfare has been going on longer than most people are alive today, because life expectancy is rapidly dropping and hospitals turning into check out centers.
What do hospitals / government want "YOU" to do? They want you to donate your BODY to them, to be harvested and most of the people doing the harvsting are asian women working 24/7 in the basements of hospitals slicing off your skin, peeling out your muscles, lifting out your organs and the truthful nurses plainly tell you, your not worth a dam once dead..they need your heart beating while they slice and dice you....
How much more can society adapt to such living before it breaks...who is prepared to take care of them selves and deny this world and walk away?
Those that won't walk away, will confirm or be thrown into prisons, it is that simple, EVIL will not allow truth to stay.