Re: EPA update!!!!Morgellons and chem trails...
Saw that about Germany it's a video posted on Michael Murphy's site, he also posted a video about a woman in CA that was a degreed Enviromental studies graduate who worked in agriculture. She has major supporting facts. Most of this, I believe has to do with money. Most of the cloud seeding companies have heavy investors from China which we all know is sucking up natural resources all over the world along with trying to place themselves in a world power position. I think most of the investors you will find all are also invested in the chemical bio companies as well and they are extremely trusting of scientists. Scientist have been known for years to misjudge things that's why over half of their experiments are theorized. Several years later are proven false. I think people just don't look at the overall picture anymore today and that could be a serious issue one day for mankind.
I just took snow samples and wow, you guys need to look at your snow and rain water you will not believe what yousee. Those fibers in our skin....well my snow is loaded with them. Also have several organisms that are creamy white with hair-like structures growing off one end. Boy did I see exactly what is coming out of my skin. I have no doubts anymore this is definitely an environmental issue.
You know I don't believe in phanthoms, I have eyes, I have hours of film, and there is more than enough proof out there about all this if you don't play deaf, dumb and blind.