Re: Vent
I don't know much about this kind of thing, but the first thing that comes to my mind is
Lugol's iodine. I know it's worked wonders for my family in different situations. My dad had something on his face that he thinks was cancer, and he kept putting the
Iodine on it, and eventually it went away. Whatever it was on his face, had been there for fifteen years or so progressively getting worse. I've heard that
Iodine is one of the best things to treat abnormal skin conditions. I got rid of a mole with it. And my little girl had a big lump under her skin that felt scary. I treated it with iodine, and it went away. You have to be consistent with it though, several times daily.
Of course I know that is just treating the symptoms and not getting to the cause.
I'll be praying for you and your son. I know if your child is sick, that's way worse than being sick yourself. But both together is awful.