Sounds fine, spending more time now on fasting for weight loss forum anyway. But have done more reading on the links. lots of info there and sure some of it is very good and not a total doubter about detox and things just that dont necessarily just take anyones word for granted. I am naturally a pretty skeptical scientific type person not really a faith type of person. More agnostic than atheist.
So maybe get into a few debates on there. Hope most of you realize that mostly just giving opinions and challenging a few things you believe but here is not the place for it And may find you guys or Shelton or whoever were right as you said I have only fasted juice twice or so and water this once. I am not an expert by any means. but just trying work thru and figure out some things that did go on with me on the fast. We differ on some of our ideas but thats what makes the world go around.
But do intend to read a lot more ,even go thru older posts and stuff. I still believe fasting is beneficial and intend to likely do some fast yearly.