19 y
Status: R [Message
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Hi babybug,
Andreas Moritz believes that a lot of problems that occur early in life are due to cutting the umbilical cord too early. From his description I would go along with this assessment.
As both your Mother and Daughter lost their GB at an early age, it would seem to imply a possible connection for the cancer and thusly, your fears.
For me, I do not think in terms of “I caught a disease”. I think of how much “overhead” do I have, and how do I increase it?
Meaning, that should your Daughter decide to cleanse, she could increase her overhead and therefore decrease the likelihood of getting sick.
It’s very possible had your Mother cleansed she would never have gotten cancer.
One of the things I haven’t read here, but am aware of from other literature, is that people who succeed at eliminating stones become immune from a lot of various poisonings due to the excellent functioning of the liver and GB.
They have in effect, very high overhead.
You and she will want to check out the Gallbladder Surgery Support Forum:
The bottom line is, she can improve her health by flushing.
Hope this helps.