Hah! I knew I was right!
I was just sitting here typing a post on Ask Humaworm, and the TV was on the NatGeo channel..."Living on Mars".
Once they warm up Mars, maybe with factories spewing greenhouse gasses ( :) )...they have to decide if the rocks on Mars contain the right nutrients needed to sustain plant life...and send micro-organisms to break them down.
Of course, it will take too much time for you and I to worry about.
And, where will they find people to send there who aren't contaminated with mercury.
It only takes 1/70th of a teaspoon to contaminate a lake of a certain size. (See the Greenpeace site, on mercury.) And, they are still manufacturing
pounds of it, annually. And it doesn't break down. (See also the Greepeace lapel buttons with the Rudolf reindeer on it.)
Idiots are everywhere.
What's the use of being right when no one believes you, and evern the folks who are trying their best make mistakes...and one can't reach them, anyhow?
Mumble, mumble...