Re: Anyone.. Please le me know what you think about this device.
I've been using the
Hulda Clark Zapper, it works using the same principles as the Rife machines. In reading up on Candida/yeasts they grow in the epithelium, the outer layer of cells, and are protected by a biofilm. Herbal methods work by killing the yeasts on the surface and as the treatment is continued the bilfilm wears away exposing deeper layers to the killing herbs. A newer medical treatment wears away the biofilm using a combination of digestive enzymes, treating with anti fungals, pre and probiotics.
A possible problem is that the Zapper or Rife effect may not be able to affect or reach the yeasts protected by the biofilm. That's not to say that some of the devices won't kill off some of the yeasts, they may, but it makes sense to also use treatments to kill yeasts other ways and wear away or digest the biofilm while using the bioresonance device. The yeasts, including Candida, are part of the normal flora of the body so it is easy to become reinfected. As long as a person has an underlying problem they may keep having problems with yeasts until they are healthy.
Hulda Clark did write that Zapping 3 times a day for a week or more you can deplete these populations, too, often to zero. This did not work for me altho zapping may have helped when I used Kroger's Candida #2 and Neem to calm down my candida/yeast problem.