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Need help PLEASE

Cleanse the Colon
Organic colon cleanse kit. Complete!

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Hulda Clark Cleanses

IvanaB.Thin Views: 1,275
Published: 14 y

Need help PLEASE

As I am not new to curezone I am new to this forum. Five years ago I found curezone to heal my body from the torture put it through. In my late teens I fought obesity and won. At the end of my mission I took on the Atkins diet and for fear of aging weight back, I stayed pretty close to the induction phase for a few years. That tore me up and have been dealing with constipation since. I don't have it all of the time but at least half of each month I deal with it. In my early twenties I battled anorexic and bulimia, I am truly sorry for the lack of attention I have given my body and not a day goes by that I am not thankful for even being here. Five years ago my ob found that i had displaysia after I went to him about my horrid menstrual cycle that would more often than not last for weeks. I had an endometrial ablation and have not had a cycle since then and that was back in '04. In '05 I did my first Water Fast per my ob which lasted for five days. I felt great but was still bloated from the food allergies and water retention. I water fasted every month for 3 days to reap the benefits. I did a liver gallbladder flush three times and unfortunately with my bouts of constipation, I got hooked on the Epsom Salts because it seemed like an easy fix. Little did I know I was headed down that path again. I try not to use the salts as a back up but feel like I need to at times. I can go weeks feeling regular and then get severely backed up and cave for that easy release. I'm here today to ask for your help to getting me on the right path to recovery. I am still bloated from all of the food allergies and water retention as well as great fatigue most of the time, I have cloudiness that comes and goes in my mind. I do have a very healthy Diet that I go by and it basically contains fruits, veggies, oatmeal, brown rice, Greek yogurt and water. Pretty basic and clean. Yogurt is the only dairy I eat because that's how I get my protein. I find it difficult to digest meat protein most of the time and nuts give me heartburn. I bought some enzyme complex almost two weeks ago, the first time I took it I gelt really bloated after I ate. I found out that it normally takes a couple of weeks yo do the job right. So today I started taking at the beginning of each of my meals. I have started oil pulling two days ago with virgin coconut oil three times daily with a tblsp each time for twenty mins. I've heard of a lot of good things about it and hope it takes me far. I also take vitamin b6 and vitamin c. I'll start adding in b12 in a day or so. My question to you is if a Bowel Cleanse would benefit me after all the abuse I put on my body? Has the laxatives basically cleaned everything out or is there more to it? I need to start healing myself soon. Right now I'm at the point of feeling like a complete failure..... I know those things were wrong and I'm trying to fix them? Is it at all possible? I went and had a check up lady year and everything checked out normal. I am low on b12 calcium and b6. I'm working on that. Dairy binds me up as does calcium supplements. I look forward to hearing from you and pray that someone answers. Thank you so much in advance for listening and I'm sorry this had yo be so long.


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