Re: 131174 is immoral! Ban 131174!
also mh helps so many people for free every day, i think mh must have his own angels looking out for him. ( from quote 131174) just a few short days ago and now this shyte
This is an ego trip, plain and simple 131174 got his/her? ego hurt over the Oprha thing, Mh told 131174 to get a life cause his view of Oprah is different than 131174s they both have very big egos and they have each hurt each others ego.
In my opinion both are far from (God, spiritual) if they have so much ego, it is a very negative attractor, thus all this drama.
I will say it again 131174 I used to really enjoy your post and remember you from, before your number was 19236 way back I have allways hoped you would show back up but not like this. Reading back over your post I read many times where you have praised Mh and his beliefs.