5yrs Pharma Drugs/Hypersensitive CNS from LIVER ISSUES?????????
Hey all,
I'm trying to wrap my head around physical problems I've had in the recent past... many thanks to heavy pharma drug use.
So, I've had the past 2-3 years on and off of ssris, very bad exercise intolerance. If I lift weights, I get severe issues. Brain fog, psychomotor restlessness like crazy, terrible insomnia, depersonalization, anxiety, mood issues.
My theory is this. The accutane/ssri combos where messing up my liver to the point that it could not properly deal with/dispose of adrenaline, lactic acid, etc.. from the exercise.. I should mention that when I was on the high doses of accutane 4 years ago I had really bad intolerance to exercise.. I went off it and went on to the ssris. Didn't start having exercise problems again until a few years on ssris.
So.... as I am doing raw, am detoxing heavily, renewing my liver... etc. etc.. my ability to handle adrenaline, lactic acid, etc.. from both heavy exercise and the 'fight or flight' response for that matter would go back to normal. This seems to make sense looking back at my reactions in the past and my gradual decline in exertion tolerances. I also noticed that alcohol mixed with the drugs exacerbated this.
So basically, severely sensitive CNS (inability to handle stress, exercise hard, sensitivity to noises, etcc.. ) brought about by messed up liver from drugs??? So, the detoxing that is going on should eventually lead to a session of this?
I'm not sure how much you guys now of these drugs or what not, but any ideas would be great. This has been a plaguing issue I've had since I began college at 18 and I am missing out on my life.