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Hi Freedom90, how are you today?
Surfer27 Views: 2,231
Published: 14 y
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Hi Freedom90, how are you today?

Hi Freedom90,
My name's Surfer27, but my real name is Ryan Annunziello. Yes, it's italian. lol. Anyways, I came across your posting on Curezone and was wanted to ask, what kind of diet do you use? Could you be specific, in the day to day meals that you try and use for example. breakfast, lunch and dinner? Also, when you described having a fecal body odour, was it the kind of fecal body odour, that lingered with you throughtout the day, or was it just something that smelled, like you passed gas consistantly? Third, do you find that when you have the fecal body odour, that it's the kind of odour where, you can leave a room, then come back and smell it within the room? Fourth, have you looked into trying Charcoal Body Washes, or even venturing into trying something called Bowel Pathogen Nosode Drops or Bacterial Nosode Drops? Lastly, you were mentioning something in the post about praying to God? Are you a born again believer? Have you ever made a personal decision, to accept the Lord Jesus Christ into your life at one point? If you are then cool, welcome to God's family!!! I ask these last questions, because I myself am a Christian! I game my life over to the Lord Jesus Christ as my Lord and Saviour, when I was 6 and have been a born again believer for 23 yrs now. I am 29 now, by the way. lol. Anyways, if you get this posting, please get back to me, when you can! Thanks and take care. God bless. Bye for now.



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