Re: I'm convinced
y'know, some people (millions upn millions, I'm guessing) don't know what "TTYTT" means either...
As someone without texting, or a
Cell Phone , (nor do I want one) I had to work it out, too -- and I live in a western "civilization", with lots of blessings.
Just a thought: something to consider, as to how 'in' there one is. It follows then, not all troubles
with "detox" are physical...Not enough is truly said about this, I feel. But, if more were said, mmm people would be overwhelmed.
As U knows. :-)
"as U knows" is a good heading: It strikes me,
U (uniy) is not singular. Uniy--good T=shirt heading, right?
For those that grasp it's about the millions, not the One person, the grammar snafu is great!!! It's only via the one person that the millions comes into focus.
that's my offering for 2011. bless every one