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Pain inverse to stone count?
Savagegrace Views: 1,299
Published: 19 y
This is a reply to # 175,533

Pain inverse to stone count?

I've pondered a lot about people having pain after a liver flush.

Does the pain come from the gall bladder or / and liver?

I know the majority "most likely" comes from the gall bladder.

Hold your plam out flat. Make a fist (without inserting thumb).

Squeese as hard as you can, no pain.

Put a half a dozen marbles in your palm, squeese, doesn't take much force to cause pain.

Now include chaff of irregular shapes (sharp points) and sludge ,causing the marbles to wedge together making it hard for them to move.

Include the fact that a lot of people have been on reduced fat diets to reduce pain and you have a weakened squeese reflex.

Then they go and cause a heavy relex. "IF" stuff moves, the amount of pain won't be as bad, as if nothing moved and more force was applied to the walls of the gall bladder.

So good people? Were your results inverse to the amount of pain? More pain, fewer stones, less pain, more stones?

Inquirering minds want to know.....;-)


(This of course doesn't include a stuck stone for pain)


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