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Re: lol..19 Kids and Counting...

Epsom Salt Encapsulated
Hulda Clark Cleanse Kits

  Views: 922
Published: 14 y
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Re: lol..19 Kids and Counting...

That too. The mother even admits one on one time is hard so once a week all the kids have "one on one" time with the parents to "catch up". In other words, it's a weekly appointment with your parents to talk about things. The 'Older daughters' take care of the youngest kids. Plenty of episodes show the teenager daughters wearing a baby carrier and holding the newest baby. People are against teenage pregnancy but somehow teenagers raising baby siblings is acceptable.

I used to know a similar family.. they were "Jehova's Witnesses"... I know nothing about it other than they had about 8 kids at the time. The youngest was 3.

MUCH different though. The kids actually went to school, were all a few years or so apart and were well taken care of and interacted with. The kids weren't little robots. They all had real friends since they went to school. They had a normal house that didn't look like a hotel. The girls wore shorts/pants and not forced to wear long skirts.

The family was just..normal.



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