now, stating that i realize that private health insurance companies have been bastards in the way they treat their customers, i've been there done that. took me 4 months to get an insurance check on my boy's jaw surgery, which i had to pay upfront. constant argueing and wrangling...finally i got the check. so i am not pro health insurance private sector. it's just that there is no better system developed that is better. gov'ment is not better, it's worse, in everything they do. i contract with the gov'ment and they are horrible at managing money. on the embarassing side, if truth be known. you wouldn't let anyone in big gov'ment handle your checkbook. there's a lot of stupid, stupid people with gov'ment jobs right now who speak of what they do not know. and to ask these dolts to manage your doctors and nurses? gotta be kidding yourself!