Very low energy, emotionally feeling very good. The social aspect of this appears also to be a fast, my wife complained of being neglected and lonely. I have very low desire to "chat" with anyone. My friends have noted that I'm a little short. I did a little bedroom reorganization project today that left me completely drained. The on going theme of this fast seems to be an uncomfortable abdomen. Every once in a while I will feel hunger and that feels nice, the rest of the time unless distracted, feel slight nausea. Water is not tasting that great. Tired but not enough to nap, sleeping very well through the night. I have been thinking of raw milk. I may continue at thirty days rolling into a juice fast, which I have done for 40 days in the past. Not really sure and may be thinking to much into the future. So much time so little to do. Thanks for all the support on the forum and best of luck to all of you. 30 days is a short time in relation to the whole year, (note to self). Started on Dec 20 all veggies, took one day on new years eve for jalapeno poppers and veggie pizza, rolled into the water fast, 250lbs to start now at 218.6 weight loss steady and predictable.