Day 3 of a 7 day JF, having v. abnormal period, please help?
Hi there
My cycle is usually anywhere from 30 to 32 days but lately have been getting shorter, sometimes 28 days.
It would have been 28 days friday just gone and I started a juice fast on saturday.
Had less severe pre menstrual symptoms that usual, which I put down to some seriously clean living I have been partaking in since Jan 1st.
However, still got really down and grumpy just less of the bloating.
Anyway, I noticed some spotting on sunday (day two of my juice fast) and thought; fantastic I have my period! But since then, I just got a bit of darker output than normal (like just a tiny bit) and now it seems as though my period has finished?? After 24 hours? And with no real output to speak of?
Is this normal to have odd periods so soon into a fast?
Can anyone share their experience?
I would be so appreciative.