I've had low blood pressure my whole adulthood, but lately have been exhibiting more of the intense symptoms of it -- extreme fatigue, blurry vision, fainting. I went to the doctor and found out that it's gotten way *too* low... It seems to be something around 74/43. My doctor says I need to go on medication, Midodrine, which will raise it for increments of four hours. I would much rather avoid medication and improve my health more sustainably. I have been on a loose macrobiotic diet for years and love the wisdom of it. I wonder, is there an approach to raising blood pressure, or generally improving blood health, with macrobiotics? Is my blood pressure so low that it would be irresponsible of me to not take the medication? I am currently a very healthy eater, so it's not just a matter of higher quality food. Also, for the past few days I've tried to drastically increase my salt intake, and that's making me feel pretty terrible. Any thoughts warmly welcomed.