Re: Adya Clarity users, please give us an update.
I thought I would share my reactions to Adya since I introduced it to my family.
At first, with just the recommended drops, I felt more energy, and my chiropractor noticed my tissue had changed. Meaning when he used the electro stim, which will show sublaxations in my spine, and the volt meter will rise in response. I've been going to chiro for years because I tend to hold knots in my back and shoulders and get numbness in my fingers. An adjustment will typically "fix" these symptoms for about a month or so, thus the monthly visit.
He was surprised because I ALWAYS light up the meter and this time, nothing. Perplexed he went back to the charts and he said in over 4 years of seeing me, he had never once not have the meter light up. What was I doing he asked? Well...adya was the only thing I had added to my health protocol.
I also felt like the dull ache in my ears that have plagued me only in the winters since I began scuba diving, began to "break up." I can't tell you what it means but within a few days of taking Adya, it felt like my ears were draining and I could "hear" louder than before. So, that was interesting..
That went so well, I thought I would start in on the supershots. Candida is a long friend of mine, in which fermented food will typically slowly eradicate it. But I know if there are heavy metals in the body, then candida will forever flourish until the heavy metals are gone. I've used other Zeolite products in the past, but not with noticable results.
After 2 weeks of supershots, I came down with heavy detox symptoms. In fact, I haven't been this sick in nearly 6 years. Lots of congestion, mucus, achy body, headache...the whole thing. No one else in my family was "getting this" so I had to assume it was the adya shots I was taking.
Then, some scary stuff started happening. I would wake in the morning and have blindness in my right eye! It would take a good 5-10 minutes before it would "clear" but it was like a black curtain was over my eye.
So just to be sure I went to my favorite doc and he ran blood tests. The sedation rate (the rate in which the blood cells drop, which indicates inflammation) was off the chart. Norm range is 0-20, mine was 40! Looking at my last blood test a year ago, this was a 110% rise.
My ALT numbers were also out of range, another indicator of inflammation in my body. My doctor know believes I have vasculitis, even though my blood pressure is normal, tho I am about 30 lbs over weight for my height.
It has taken 3 weeks for the gunk to clear. In the last few days I finally feel like a breathing, living person again. And I have a TON of energy. My ears are open, my mind feels like there is much clarity and the blindness in the eye stopped occuring.
On one hand, my doctor is anxious to find a "disease" behind it, and bless his heart, he knows I'm a nutritionist/colon therapist, so we don't agree. But we do agree to use his labs and tools when necessary because I don't see him for any other condition, nor am I on any prescription medication nor have I ever been.
This also coincided with beginning to run again (because of the Adya energy?), and I ran a 5k in my personal record time a few days before I got sick. So maybe the oxygen and the adya?
I kept taking the adya the first week I got sick because I figured...well, it's cleansing so let's just keep cleansing. Once the eye blindness started, I stopped the supershots but still did the drops.
So the experience I want to share is that if you are not prepared or knowledgable about how the body works, then you might want to not do deep cleansing without understanding how the product works. When I was really sick, I began to question "what am I really putting in my body and what is it suppose to REALLY do?"
I have had vision issues since I was a child. My vision in that eye is still a little diminished. I'll be retaking my labs while I'm now healthier and see if the inflamation has subsided.
Also, a concern I now I have is that looking at the bottle, the high amount of iron, which may have exacerabted my sed levels as well as my inflamation levels.
So, take what you will from the experirence, but do expect a healing crisis if you good deep. :)