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Re: symptoms beleived to be related to amalgam sensetivity.
atomic-blonde Views: 2,935
Published: 19 y
This is a reply to # 17,510

Re: symptoms beleived to be related to amalgam sensetivity.

Here's the thing... No one really knows or will say what a normal TSH level is..
good read here.

this is why it's important for people to treat their symptoms not their labs..

Armour treats t4 t3 t2 and t1 homrones. Synthetics only treat t4 and expect your body to make its own t3. Which is the problem in the first place. so although your labs may get better you still fee like crap or your labs dont get better, or they get better so slowly your still losing health. You only have a certain amount of time to get on top of this before there is damage. There are symptoms and then serious weight gain or hairloss. Not to freak anyone out but you can eventaully lose your mind when your thyroid fails. This is why you find it difficult to think, concentrate, stay in a good mood etc.

read about Armour here

Although they say to take it after breakfast and after dinner.
I take mine with no food so I can feel it well and make sure things like Calcium don't interfere with absoprtion and if I took mine after dinner I would never get to sleep LOL

Hope this helps.

Some people (rare) cannot tolerate natural Armour thyroid and can use Cytomel a synthetic T3 with Synthroid a synthetic T4 and find decent results.

There is a great lady who runs a group on thyroid. She's been dealing with this for 20 years and can tell you soo much and walk you through your treatment. I highly recommend you join and talk to her. Denise... She taught me everything I know.. I am still learning from her. She knows more about the thyroid then any doctor... In medical school they barely touch on the thyroid.


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