2nd Flush Results
First I want to say hello to ALL my fellow flushers!!
Second, I want to thank EVERYONE here for there great advice and testimonials!!
My 2nd flush was a resounding success!!! I got more stones out on the 2nd flush than the 1st. And, the big stones were bigger. On the 1st flush, biggest stone was about 1.5 cms, on the 2nd flush, the biggest stone was 2.9 cm...the volume of total stones was about 50-70% more!! Also, I followed the Clark protocol with the follow exceptions:
1st ES solution at 4:15, 2nd ES solution at 6:15, 3rd ES solution at 8:15, EVOO/grapefruit solution at 10:15.....also, I drank 1 cup
Extra-Virgin Olive-Oil and 1 cup grapefruit juice/lemon juice (3:1) instead of 1/2 cup of each.
For all here who are discouraged about their flushes....do not lose faith. No flush is in vain. This is a life-changing, life-tranforming event each time you flush. Your body strengthens a little more with each flush. I have not been so excited about anything in at least a decade. I have given up hope in doctors many years ago. Western medicine is a travesty. What is ironic is that I work as a Medical Supply officer in a military hospital. And many of my friends are doctors....LOL. I do not plan seeing a doctor anymore. It will take a life or death medical emergency to get me to see a doctor. I will let my body heal itself. It does a better job at it than any doctor could ever do.
My next flush will be at the end of FEB. And as you can imagine, I am very excited about it.
The excitement and enthusiasm on this board is contagious. I wish every single person here the very best of health!!!