Re: Walking speed predicts longevity in older people.
makes (common) sense, you might say.
You have to chuckle at these studies, so authoratatively and 'newsingly' reported, to which your average healthy person, who's not bluetooth'd, dulled, drugged and comped-out, might just laugh, and say "of course!".
But we might have have to look far these days to find such an 'average healthy person', considering whatever is visited on one part of the planet 'visits' the rest.
How are the hens? And how's the weather, in your corner?
lots of snow here. In a week or so, we will get one of our intermittent 'springs', which are really a nice break. It swings both ways. (Possibly the contributing factors of this are somewhat related to the deaths of birds--Now, the turtle doves in Italy. That DOES look like good fodder for the hard-core Rapturists who are proclaiming May 2011 as the date... One wonders what The Vatican makes of it all.
Did you read about an airport in Florida that had to close to change their signage, since it seems the magnetic north pole is moving forty miles a year, toward Russia. Unlikely storoes come thicker and faster.