The problem with cod liver oil is that after the vit A phobia a few years ago, they have altered the vitamin content in even the best products here in Scandinavia.
vit A content is reduced by 75 % since 2001 in the most sold cod liver oil in Norway.
I stopped taking my favorite when I found out they removed the vitamins then put in some synthetic versions jut to get the "right" rda content
I checked the shelves today but could not find cod liver oil that is not "fortified" with vit A and D ? (that means they have removed the natural vitamins first)
Anyone knows about a cod liver oil that is not messed up like this?
"To summarize, the benefits of deodorizing (compared to molecular distillation) include a lower peroxide value, better flavor and odor, and a cleaner product. The disadvantages include a much lower natural vitamin A content and virtually no vitamin D."